Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bike Ride

I took a bike ride today. I'm not sure how cold it was but I could see my breath and by the time I got to my destination my fingers were bright red and I could hardly feel them. It was drizzling a little bit. It has been for the past two days. My hairstyle was completely ruined and my hair was starting to curl into itself. There was hardly anyone out, just a man walking his two small dogs and a couple walking together up the river path looking very much in love with each other. The dim, yellow flicker of oil lamps punctuated my ride. I could smell the river today - a complex and tantalizing smell of wild life and decay, earth and water. It was probably one of the best bike rides I've ever had. There is something beautiful in the starkness. Through it, there was the unmistakable smell of flowers as the daffodils and crocus gently push through the earth and the cherry blossoms begin to unfurl.

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